Tuesday, 27 September 2011


I can't help but notice that all my free writes so far have been anecdotal based. Does this mean that they aren't real free writes? I fear it may. Therefore if I begin this one with a course prompt and go straight in it won't be. Will it? Anyway.... I was on my way to the car park when...I noticed that three nuns including the nun driver, were making a hash of parking their 1972 Triumph Herald in a slot that frankly would not have received my 1996 Smart car which to the uninitiated is only a snit and spit-squirt bigger than something that would have come out of the Matchbox factory circa 1968. It's not as if the Triumph H is a big car. On the contrary size was never its abiding feature. It was much more style - with its innovatory bonnet, 'up and there's half the car pointing towards the heavens' - Good heavens. Good Heavens dude where's the (front end) of my car, sounds like a bit of a cut price film title for a cut in half car. The nuns, it should be added were all fine when they emerged blinking into an unsuspecting car park. Once they'd squeezed themselves from the doors. One of them it has to be said hadn't seemed to have kept any food denial Lent asceticism for quite some time, if she was a chocoholic or a pie eating champion before last Lent, I think it's fair to suggest that she is one still.

Ends. I never know how long these free writes are suppose to go on for. The length of this one is fairly typical - but I can see the worth in keeping going for the greater likelihood of the nuggets that are suppose to reveal themselves as you go along. I read earlier today for example that one person sets his store out and writes for about an hour. I don't suppose it's Chekhov when he metaphorically puts his pen down, but that isn't the aim of the exercise. It's more an exercise of the imagination and if I - as I seem to - put too much store on it being readable, grammatically sound, spelt more or less correctly, a buffed and almost finished piece by the time I get up - this may not be a good thing for the raw creativity purpose for which this exercised has been devised. Then I'm pleasing no one. How are we supposed to sieve out the dust heap to find the diamonds if they've already been located, polished and sold on before the work is done. How in fact can we disinter the golden nuggets that may pop out from a torrent of water that has sunk every stone in the vicinity into the earth. We need that big splash and the gurgling mud, and the shovel and the sieve and more water - what we're looking for is hidden. Its often the fact that it's hidden that makes it worth looking for. And look I've ended a sentence with a preposition which for this exercise is a marked advantage.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!
    I love the correlation between freewriting and panning for gold, very apt!

    With regards to the bit about length of time, in the book it says 3minutes, and I watched a youtube video where the guy suggests 10minutes. In case you are interested, I like to be different, so I personally have split the difference and do 5minute timed freewrites. As I said in my blog, I use Timer-tab to let me know when to stop hammering the keyboard.

    Great freewrite though Mike, keep at it!


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