Friday, 17 February 2012


I've just checked the page views on the blog stats page and the result makes pretty grisly reading. My best ever day was 4 views apparently, and that probably counts a couple of mine! Not to worry. My intention at the moment is to write a blog entry most days, and I'm just about managing that. What I should be doing more of I think, is sticking some creative things down to test them out on myself and to formulate something of a record of my progression. I have put a couple of TMAs up together with their commentaries, and one or two tutorial efforts, but other than that it's been more of the musing variety lately.

I have been prompted to start thinking about the EMA. Something I haven't done since the start of this course. At the moment I have no idea what I will be doing. Theoretically I need to get my poetry TMA score in first as I will then have a reference point as to what my strengths - other than loafing, eating and watching telly - are. Hysterically, I announced on Facebook immediately after I'd submitted 03 that it was either a brilliant piece of beginners luck or a work of absolute drivel, something like that. A few people 'liked' the comment, but they were probably liking the fact that I'd submitted early and as such was going to kick back, neck a few beers and go whoring around the sleazy side of town, rather than 'liking' due to its innate wit - but it's good when people hear you. Even if they don't really 'hear' you.

Funny thing about Facebook group status updates. I go weeks without bothering to post anything on there, then as soon as I submit a TMA I feel I have to tell someone, I mean someone who gives a damn and is not of the 'very nice dear' variety (wife, you know who you are). Then when I get my scores, providing they're decent - and they have been so far, I'm at it again: 'look look Mum, look what I can do!!' I'm either totally lacking in confidence, or I've never grown up. Don't know which. Probably a bit of both.

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