Thursday, 6 October 2011

Free write exercise

I did a couple of new free writes today. It's unlikely I'll find much time for study this week-end, so taking the view that raw writing is the best exercise there is when time is tight I've done two, three actually if I count the one I put on the Tutor Forum. And my intention is to buff them up a bit so they look at least partly sane to be put on the blog whilst maintaining enough of the original text, shape and content to give an accurate representation of what came out.

The wind today is blowing great gouts of God's breath threatening everything in its path. And finding things not in its path, to threaten. There's no flying at the nearby flying base today here because of it - except leaves and branches and birds being buffeted by a wind so strong, it's enough to stop them dead in the air where they pause to reflect on the science of flight. Feathers alone are not enough, they may conclude, to guarantee flight against the odds. Already there's the weight thing. Not light as a feather or even a feather boa whatever one of those is. And it's unlikely to be of use if the boa is a boa constrictor. Watch out because he'll squeeze you if you meet one, and he won't stop until your bones splinter and eject them from every orifice of your body then falling to earth like dust before being blown into the sea by the prevailing wind. How many dust clouds will the wind pick up today? How many dust clouds will be the bones of squeezed people who met with an unfortunate encounter with a boa constrictor. These clouds could go all the way up to the sky and form cumulus clouds of a rare off-white colour. When there gorge full they would burst and rain down dirty little droplets instead of pristine rain, dirty little droplets composed of bone and moisture, and people will say umbrellas, no, not good enough, we need shields and reinforced garments, helmets and gas masks to safeguard us from the noxious make up and the gritty texture of the spurtings coming out of these clouds. God knows what they're made of. And he will know.

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