Monday, 10 October 2011

Morning Pages (Remember them?)

Morning Pages today concerns two dreams worthy of being recorded. The first one involves feelings of fearfulness and vulnerability finding myself living in a tent, alone, in a dangerous land of bears, tigers and wolves. The sense that these creatures had access to the outside of this tent but for some reason not the inside of the tent provided a sense of uncomfortable, nervous, protection. I could not leave the tent, nor given that it was nothing but flimsy cloth supported by cords, could I hope to feel secure within it with such dangerous beasts always nearby. Most of the time I spent shaking with fear inside, knowing that if I set one foot outside, it was goodnight all.

The second dream was more literal. It involved a disused hospital that you could visit and learn something of its terrible past. For a fee of 25 Euros per head you could visit this now disused hospital where forced abortions had been carried out on pregnant woman who weren't married and who were regarded as nothing more than scandalous aberrations. Within the walls of this place hundreds of women were sent to have their pregnancies violently terminated. And there was talk that it was haunted by the ghosts of these unborn children, and of the mothers who died during the procedure, which made the place diabolical for reasons other than the medical actions that were performed.

Cheery stuff eh?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, some nice happy thoughts there! On a plus note, some great imagery and ideas for you to work with!
    Great work!


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