Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Back to Study and A363

I have finally started to look through the course material for A363. I suppose that means that technically I have started the course, though this is really early days and I need to do a few things before I feel right about things  For the last course I had a nice big desktop and printer at my place of work which I comfortably worked on throughout the day when I had nothing much else to do which was pretty much all the time towards the end as I stumbled my way towards an early retirement. But here's the thing, I no longer have access to those resources within that environment  and I don't feel ready to attack the course in the same way as I tackled A215 partly because of these changes.  I'm now on a lap top now which sits on a cramped table with it and me squeezed into a smallish bedroom study. Somehow I feel less able to be expansive with my writing because of these apparent physical constraints.  I guess the only cure to these concerns and  misgivings is that I write a lot more from now on and get used to the new systems as quickly as possible. I really need to become familiar with the smaller screen and the slightly less natural feeling this change of venue and equipment seems to be having on me. I don't need to have any other impediments to writing on this course as it looks to be challenging enough.

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