Tuesday, 16 October 2012


I groan audibly when I hear or read that a fellow student has an idea for a TMA. I never have an idea.  Yes you read that correctly. Never.  I have to do that Ian McEwan thing every time and just write until ideas emerge whilst on the page and then develop and grow, or not, as I progress. I can honestly say I have never felt that sense of fizzy anticipation as I sit down to write having hatched in my sleep or down the gym or whilst watching telly a really good  idea. How dies this eureka thing work?   Why don't I have it?

My latest offering for a TMA involves a little bit of developed life writing.  I just thought about describing a work place, put myself in it, sort of remember how I felt about being there then started thinking about how I might have acted if I'd been a little more impressive than I actually was. At the moment it's crap with a capital T like this C not this T.  Not a great eureka moment is it?

Another way I've heard is successful for some is to invent characters first then let them ask you to be placed in a story line. It all sounds a bit deep and psychological and perhaps a little overly decorous in the case of the characters - 'we're here, how would you like us to disport our duties kind sir?'  Could it work?  I don't know.

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