Thursday 9 February 2012

Oh 3! You're, pissing me!

Question: When is a poem finished? Answer: Never. Good God! I must have changed my poem that I have been writing for TMA03 a hundred times. Seriously, it could be more. How many finals I have sat back and said, 'that's it, my work is complete.' Saved as 'Final Cut', 'Finalment', 'This is it',or even the rather less inventive 'TMA03' which should give it an air of finality. It doesn't. Nothing does. And as soon as you think you're finished, you look at it a few minutes or hours later and make yet more changes because of scansion, word meaning, repetition, factual error, syllables, beats, or just falling out with this or that or the other. Jeez, I have never known the likes of this. It's not as if I'm a tortured artist or tormented genius striving as usual for unattainable perfection. This is my first ever poem. Yes you heard this right, I have never knowingly written a poem in my life - and here I am going for a masterpiece. Poor deluded fool.

I will send in my effort next week, even if I hate it. And that's the thing, I have never known such a fickle business. I love it, I hate it. Followed by I love it again, then hate it again. It's brilliant. It's awful. Over and over and over again. I actually need to send it in and get on with the next chapter tout suite otherwise my sanity, fragile at the best of times, is seriously in danger.

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